Despite its outstanding qualities, there are still many misconceptions about metal roofing. Some homeowners are misguided by these myths, thinking that the material is impractical, prone to damage, and inappropriate for residential use. The truth is: advances in technology have made metal roofing in College Station, a more viable solution for homes. Lone-Star Roof Systems, LLC, debunks five of its most popular myths to help you understand the benefits of this roof system.
1. Metal Roofs Attract Lighting
Metals are good conductors, but they do not increase your home’s likelihood of attracting a lightning strike. In addition, lighting mostly hits only the tallest objects in the area, such as towers and antennas.
2. Metal Roofs Are Easy to Rust
Our metal roofing in Bryan, TX, is designed to withstand the toughest elements. Several options today even feature metallic coatings made of aluminum and zinc to prevent rusting. In fact, our stone-coated steel roof alone can last up to 50 years with only minimal maintenance.
3. Metal Roofs Look Too Plain
We understand where this myth stemmed from, as back in the day, metal roofs were only available in corrugated, industrial panels for them to fit commercial buildings. Today, however, they come in an array of styles, colors, and finishes that can boost your home’s curb appeal.
4. Metal Roofs Are Too Noisy
Many people still think that metal roofs produce too much noise during a storm. In truth metal roofing in Huntsville, TX, might even be quieter than asphalt shingle roofing since it comes with a solid sheathing attachment.
5. Metal Roofs Dent Easily
Many experts attest to the durability of metal roofs, so this myth is completely unjustified. In fact, this roof system is one of the most durable options available. You can rest easy knowing that your home is safe from the onslaught of the elements.
If you’re looking for an attractive and durable system that can increase your home’s value and protection, consider metal roofing. Call us today at (800) 994-3194 to learn about your options so you can get started on your roof replacement project immediately.