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Did you know that some leaks that appear to be coming through your roofing material can actually originate in your home’s siding?

For many homeowners, siding is not the first thing that comes to mind when a leak evolves in their home. However, siding involves many of the same processes as roofing and can fail in many of the same ways.

When siding is applied to a building, it should overlap or be interlocking with itself. This is what creates most of the waterproof barrier between your home and the elements. Fortunately, the majority of siding does not fail in these areas unless it has aged considerably. Siding, like roofing, is more prone to fail prematurely with incorrect installation – especially at joints, corners and in areas where flashing and caulking are supposed to be applied. An inexperienced siding installation can cost more money than the original repair or replacement.

As with roofing, a siding leak that is left unattended will only get worse, with rotting wood, mold, and ruined insulation progressing unseen behind the façade. Left completely unattended, such a leak could ruin the materials supporting the building leading to costly structural repairs. Rot and mold in the walls of your home can create unhealthy living conditions for your family. By all accounts, it is much cheaper to replace the faulty or aged siding than to let it go.

Siding options are as many as they are varied – so we gathered a few resources to help you do some siding research:

It may seem overwhelming at first, but choosing the right siding option for your home can make a huge impact on the look and feel of the structure, as well as the resale value. Some options are designed to last for the life of the home, while others require regular maintenance or frequent repair or replacement. The important thing is to choose the option that is right for you and your structure, in the climate where you live!

Remember, contact Lone-Star Roof Systems for all your roofing needs!



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