Many property owners prefer to repair roofing problems on their own, thinking they’ll be able to save money. Although you may be able to fix simple issues, not all roofing problems should be done on your own. You should know which problems you can repair and which you should leave to the pros.

Just recently, our team found an interesting DIY fix for vent pipe flashing in Bryan, Texas. Look at the picture below.
A five-gallon bucket was fixed on the area where a Dektite® vent pipe flashing should have been. At first look, you may think it’s an ingenious way of solving a leaky vent pipe, but our team has serious concerns about this DIY job.
This is not a good solution to the problem as the bucket isn’t secured properly. A strong wind may easily blow it off, causing damage to other parts of the roof. Additionally, it may damage the vent pipe, not protect it. When the bucket moves or becomes detached, water may pass through the hole and damage your interiors.
Flashing prevents water from getting through the roof and seeping through the walls, which can significantly deteriorate your office or home’s structural integrity. If you don’t repair problems properly, you’ll be putting your entire property at risk. As many repair works often seem simpler than they really are, you may cause more damage to your roof instead of solving the issue.
To keep your commercial or residential roofing in Houston in top shape, don’t settle for DIY repairs, especially if you’re fixing something for the first time. Apart from putting your property at risk of more damage, you’re also putting yourself at risk of accidents.
Need help repairing your roof? Get in touch with expert roofers from Lone-Star Roof Systems. With over 50 years of combined experience, our team can maintain, repair, or replace your roof efficiently. We also offer a range of roofing options, including Houston metal roofing, tile roofing, and asphalt shingles.
For more information on vent pipe flashing and roofing maintenance, fill out our contact form or call us at (800) 994-3194.