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Roof maintenance jobs, particularly on your gutters, can be quite easy to postpone if you live in a place like Austin or Dallas because this area receives very minimal precipitation each year. Since the main function of a gutter is to direct the flow of rainwater away from your home, your gutters have not performed their duty for some time now.

But it looks like we should be paying attention to gutters now because according to this article from, the dry spell may not be around for long:

National Weather Service meteorologist Victor Murphy in Fort Worth says forecasters expect the long-awaited weather pattern to arrive next month. He says it will raise chances for abundant rain through February, raising lake levels statewide and improving soil moisture.

The region around Wichita Falls along the Oklahoma border might miss out on the wet weather pattern, though. The city itself hasn’t fallen out of the two driest categories in about four years.

Lake levels across the state stand at 64.1 percent full Tuesday. Levels this time of year are usually 79 percent.

About 43 percent of the state is currently in the no-drought stage.

Have you inspected your gutters lately to check if they are still functioning properly? If not, now may be the best time to do so if only to be prepared for weather changes. It is advisable to find expert Dallas roofing contractors to help you out, like us at Lone-Star Roof Systems.

In our opinion as expert roofers in Austin TX, we believe the best way to prepare for the predicted shift in weather conditions is to install gutters and then add covers to them. Gutters keep the rain off your roof and reduce the risk of water-related damage to your roof slabs, home structure, and landscaping. Aside from this, adding covers for your gutters will eliminate the chances of clogging, which may render a gutter system useless.

That is why our team of professional installers makes sure to always provide quality work to keep you and your home protected from the effects of rain. Just give us a call at Lone-Star Roof Systems, and we’ll give your gutters a thorough check.

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